





报告摘要:A new passive section approach to alleviate gust loads –the Adaptive Camber Concept - on wind turbines is introduced. The conceptentails fluid-structure interaction, where flow conditions at the leading edgeaffect the airfoil shape. Under steady conditions, the adaptive camber airfoilde-cambers gradually with increasing angle of attack, yielding a lift curvewith declined slope. The concept is investigated experimentally andnumerically. Unsteady angle of attack fluctuations of various reducedfrequencies are generated by means of an active grid. The adaptive camberairfoil is found to alleviate up to 60% of the fluctuating loads, whilegenerating higher mean lift compared to a rigid airfoil.


Cameron Tropeagraduated from the University of Toronto in Engineering Sciences, followed by aMasters degree in Mechanical Engineering (1977). He completed his Dr.-Ing. inCivil Engineering at the Technical University of Karlsruhe (1982) and hisHabilitation in Fluid Mechanics at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (1991)where he was appointed Professor of Fluid Mechanics until 1997. This wasfollowed by an appointment to his current chair of Fluid Mechanics andAerodynamics at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. Currently Editor-in-Chiefof the Springer journal Experiments in Fluids and past Director of the Centerof Smart Interfaces (CSI) in the period 2007-2014, his research interestsinclude Optical Measurement Techniques in Fluid Mechanics, InterfacialTransport Phenomena, Atomization and Spray Processes and Unsteady Aerodynamics.He has recently been appointed a member of the Scientific Commission of theCouncil of Science and Humanities in Germany.