
郭 昊     副教授     





名:郭昊 副教授


















[1 Li Ling, Liu Peiqing, Xing Yu, Guo Hao(*)Wavelet analysis of multiple tonal phenomena generated from a simplified nose landing gear and a ring cavityJournal of Sound and Vibration 464 (2020) 114980

[2] Li Ling, Liu Peiqing, Xing Yu, Guo Hao(*)Shell models for confined Rayleigh-Taylor turbulent convectionCommunications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, May 2020, 105204

[3] Guo, Zhifei, Liu, Peiqing, Guo Hao(*). (2020). Investigation on spatial distribution of acoustic resonance in annular cavity: Frequency and intensity. International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 19(1-2), 2020, 73-94

[4] Guo, Zhifei, Liu, Peiqing, Guo Hao(*). (2020). , JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL

[5] Liu Zhenchen, Liu, Peiqing, Guo Hao(*) & Hu Tianxiang.(2020) Experimental investigations of turbulent decaying behaviors in the core-flow region of a propeller wake. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, 234(2): 319-329

[6] Zhang, Wen; Liu, Peiqing; Guo, Hao(*); Qu, Qiulin; Multi-scale entropy analysis and conditional sampling of the velocity increment in a transitional boundary layer, Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, Volume 67, February 2019, Pages 303-313

[7] Li Ling, Liu Peiqing, Xing Yu, Guo Hao(*)Experimental investigation on the noise reduction method of helical cables for a circular cylinder and tandem cylindersApplied Acoustics 152 (2019) 79-87

[8] Lu Weishuang, Liu Peiqing, Guo Hao(*)Hu Tianxiang, Investigation on intensity of tones due to self-excited oscillation within the leading-edge slat cove at different incoming flow speedsApplied Acoustics 155 (2019) 232–239

[9] Lu Weishuang, Liu Peiqing, Guo Hao(*)Hu Tianxiang, Investigation on Tones due to Self-excited Oscillation within Leading-edge Slat Cove at Different Angles of Attack: Frequency and Intensity, Aerospace Science and Technology 91(2019) 59–69

[10] Li Ling, Liu Peiqing, Guo Hao(*), Geng Xin, Hou Yujia, Wang JinjunAerodynamic and aeroacoustic experimental investigation of 30P30N high-lift configurationApplied Acoustics 132 (2018) 43–48

[11] Li Ling, Liu Peiqing, Xing Yu, Guo Hao(*)Time-frequency analysis of acoustic signals from a high-lift configuration with two wavelet functionsApplied Acoustics 129 (2018) 155–160

[12] Li Ling, Liu Peiqing, Xing Yu, Guo Hao(*)Wavelet Analysis of the Far-Field Sound Pressure Signals Generated from a High-Lift ConfigurationAIAA Journal, Vol. 56, No. 1 (2018), pp. 432-437.

[13] Zhang, Wen; Liu, Peiqing; Guo, Hao(*); Conditional sampling and wavelet analysis in the early stage of step-generated transition, AIAA Journal, Vol. 56, No. 6 (2018), pp. 2471-2477.

[14] Zhang, Wen; Liu, Peiqing; Guo, Hao(*). Correlation-Based Transition Model for Swept-Wing Flow Using the Cross-Flow Reynolds Number [J]. JOURNAL OFAIRCRAFT, Vol. 54, No. 1, 359 January–February 2017

[15] Liu, Peiqing; Xing, Yu; Guo, Hao(*); Li, Ling, Design and performance of a small-scale aeroacoustic wind tunnel, Applied Acoustics, 2017, 116: 65~69.

[16] Xing, Yu; Liu, Peiqing; Guo, Hao(*), Dual effects of buoyancy and enstrophy transfer on scaling behavior of a shell model proposed for homogeneous turbulent convection, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2017, 44: 74~88.

[17] Xing, Yu; Liu, Peiqing; Guo, Hao(*), Li Ling, Effect of helical cables on cylinder noise control, Applied Acoustics 122 (2017) 152–155

[18] Zhang, Wen; Liu, Peiqing; Guo, Hao(*); Wang, Jinjun Detecting the chaotic nature in a transitional boundary layer using symbolic information-theory quantifiers, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2017, 96:052215

[19] Li Ling, Liu Peiqing, Guo Hao(*), Hou Yujia, Geng Xin, Wang Jinjun Aeroacoustic measurement of 30P30N high-lift configuration in the test section with Kevlar cloth and perforated plate, AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2017 70 (2017) 590–599

[20] Chen, Mingqian(*); Liu, Peiqing(*); Guo, Hao(*); Qu, Qiulin(*), Effect of Sideslip on High-Angle-of-Attack Vortex Flow over Close-Coupled Canard Configuration, Journal of Aircraft, 2016.2.JAN-FEB, 53(1): 217~230.

[21] Qin Yunpeng, Liu Peiqing, Qu Qiulin(*) and Guo Hao. Numerical study of aerodynamic forces and flow physics of a delta wing in dynamic ground effect, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2016, 51: 203-221.

[22] Qu, Qiulin(*); Wang, Rui(*); Guo, Hao(*); Liu, Peiqing(*); Agarwal, Ramesh K. (*), Numerical Study of Water Impact of an Elastic Cylindrical Shell, AIAA J, 2016, 54(10): 3295-3302

[23] Guo Hao(*); Huang, Qianmin; Liu, Peiqing; Qu, Qiulin Effects of local high-frequency perturbation on a turbulent boundary layer by synthetic jet injection[J]. Fluid Dynamics Research, 47(4), 2015/8.

[24] Guo Hao(*); Huang, Qianmin; Liu, Peiqing; Fent Tao Influence of localized unsteady ejection on the scaling laws and intermittency in a turbulent boundary layer flow[J]. Experiments in Fluids, 2015, 56:165

[25] Tang ZhihaoLiu PeiqingSun JingweiChen YaxiGuo Hao(*)Li GuangchaoPerformance of Contra-Rotating Propellers for Stratospheric AirshipsInternational Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences2015164):485-492

[26] Tang ZhihaoLiu PeiqingGuo Hao(*)Yan JieLi GuangchaoTwo -Dimensional Moving Blade Row Interactions in a Stratospheric Airship Contra-Rotating Open Propeller ConfigurationInternational Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences2015164):500-509

[27] Qu Qiulin(*), Lu Zhe(*), Guo Hao(*), Liu Peiqing(*) and Agarwal Ramesh K. (*). Numerical Investigation of the Aerodynamics of a Delta Wing in Ground Effect, Journal of Aircraft, 2015, 52(1): 329-340.

[28] Qu, Qiulin(*); Hu, Mingxuan(*); Guo Hao (*); Liu, Peiqing(*); Agarwal, Ramesh K. (*), Study of Ditching Characteristics of Transport Aircraft by Global Moving Mesh MethodJournal of Aircraft, 2015, 52(5): 1550-1558.

[29] Tang ZhihaoLiu Peiqing(*)Chen YaxiGuo HaoExperimental Study of Counter-Rotating Propellers for High-Altitude AirshipsJournal of Propulsion and Power2015315):1491-1496

[30] 邢宇,刘沛清(*),郭昊,徐亮,李玲, 简化起落架噪声相似准则及马赫数比例律研究, 航空学报, 1000-68932016

[31] 李玲,刘沛清(*),邢宇,郭昊,田云,亚临界雷诺数圆柱绕流远场气动噪声实验研究,北京航空航天大学学报,1001-5965( 2016)

[32] 王骁原,郭昊,邢宇,刘沛清(*)LAGOON起落架缩比模型机轮空腔发声机理实验研究,航空学报,2016