
高振勋     教授,国家级青年人才     








学术成果:以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文42篇,包括Physics of Fluids、AIAA Journal、Combution and Flame、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer等国际权威期刊。长期担任《AIAA Journal》、《Physics of Fluids》等SCI期刊的审稿人。代表论文如下:

[1]Guo X L,Gao Z X*. A hybrid chemical source treatment for non-premixed combustion simulations.Combustion and Flame, 2023, 248: 112590.

[2]Guo P X, Shi F C,Gao Z X*, et al.Heat transfer and behavior of the Reynolds stress in Mach 6 boundary layer transition induced by first-mode oblique waves.Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34(10): 104116. (Editor’s Pick)

[3]Guo P X, Shi F C,Gao Z X*, et al.Sensitivity analysis on supersonic-boundary-layer stability: Parametric influence, optimization, and inverse design.Physics of Fluids,2022, 34(10):104113

[4]Yang Z P, Wang S Z,Gao Z X*, et al. Studies on effects of wall temperature variation on heat transfer in hypersonic laminar boundary layer.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, V190: 122790

[5]Li C H, Gao Z X*, Zhao M X, et al. Compressible modification of boundary-layer momentum thickness localized method in transition model.International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2022, 98: 109068.

[6]Tian Y Y,Gao Z X*, Jiang C W, et al.A correction for Reynolds-averaged-Navier–Stokesturbulence model under the effect of shock waves inhypersonic flows.International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, DOI: 10.1002/fld.5150

[7]Zhou Z F, Zhang Z C,Gao Z X*, et al.Numerical investigation on mechanisms of MHD heat fluxmitigation in hypersonic flows.Aerospace, 2022, 9: 548

[8]Mo F, Su W,Gao Z X*, et al. Numerical investigations of the slot blowing technique on the hypersonic vehicle for drag reduction.Aerospace Science and Technology,2022, V121: 107372

[9]Guo P X,Gao Z X*,Jiang C W, Lee C-H. Sensitivity analysis on supersonic-boundary-layer stability subject to perturbation of flow parameters.Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33: 084111

[10]Xu K, Li X,Gao Z X*,Jiang C W, Lee C-H.Theoretical analysis of quasi-one-dimensional compressible magnetohydrodynamic channel flow.Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021, 411: 126500

[11]Shi F C,Gao Z X*,Jiang C W, Lee C-H.Numerical investigation of shock-turbulent mixing layer interaction and shock-associated noise.Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33: 025105.

[12]Tian Y Y, Li W H, Xue P,Gao Z X*.Numerical studies on heat transfer of supersonic, combustion-gas jets on perpendicular flat plate.Heat Transfer Engineering, 2022, 43: 864-878

[13]Lv G L,Gao Z X*,Qian Z S,Jiang C W, Lee C-H.Studies on unsteady mode transition of a turbine based vombined vycle (TBCC) inlet with multiple movable panels.Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 111: 106546

[14]Shi F C,Gao Z X*,Jiang C W, Lee C-H.Investigation on noise from shock/isotropic turbulence interaction using direct numerical simulation.Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 488: 115633.

[15]Xu C H, Fan Y H, Wang S Z,Gao Z X*, et al.Direct numerical simulation study on the mechanisms of the magnetic field influencing the turbulence in compressible magnetohydrodynamic flow.Journal of Turbulence, 2020, 21(12): 675-703.

[16]Liu H P,Gao Z X*,Jiang C W, Lee C-H.Studies of combustion effects on near-wall turbulence in supersonic flows by large eddy simulation.Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 107: 106328.

[17]Wan K D, Vervisch L,Gao Z X*, et al.Development of reduced and optimized reaction mechanism for potassium emissions during biomass combustion based on genetic algorithms.Energy, 2020, 211: 118565

[18]Guo P X,Gao Z X*,Jiang C W, Lee C-H.Linear stability analysis on the most unstable frequencies of supersonic flat-plate boundary layers.Computers and Fluids,2020, 197:104394.

[19]Liu H P,Gao Z X*, Jiang C W, Lee C-H.Numerical study of combustion effects on the development of supersonic turbulent mixing layer flows with WENO schemes.Computers and Fluids, 2019, 189(15): 82-93.

[20]Guo P X,Gao Z X*, Wu Z Y, Jiang C W, Lee C-H. Investigations on the accurate prediction of supersonic shear layers for detached eddy simulation.Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, V89: 46-57.

[21]Wu Z Y,Gao Z X*, Jiang C W, Lee C-H.An in-depth numerical investigation of a supersonic cavity-ramp flow with DDES method.Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, V89: 253-263.

[22]Guo P X,Gao Z X*, Zhang Z C, Jiang C W, Lee C-H. Local-variable-based model for hypersonic boundary layer transition.AIAA Journal, 2019, V57(6): 2372-2383

[23]Gao Z X*,Xue H C, Zhang Z C, Liu H P,Jiang C W, Lee C H. A Hybrid Numerical Scheme for Aeroheating Computation of Hypersonic Reentry Vehicles.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2018, 116: 432-444.

[24]Jiang Y Z,Gao Z X*, Lee C H. Particle simulation of nonequilibrium gas flows based on ellipsoidal statistical Fokker–Planck model.Computers and Fluids, 2018, 170: 106-120.

[25]Li P,Gao Z X*, Lyu G L, et al. Overset structured grids assembly method for numerical simulations of multi-bodies and moving objects.Computers and Fluids, 2018, 175: 260-275

[26]Gao Z X*, Jiang C W, Lee C H. Representative interactive flamelet model and flamelet/progress variable model for supersonic combustion flows.Proceeding of the Combustion Institute,2017, V36(2): 2937-2946.

[27]Zhang Z C,Gao Z X*, Jiang C W, Lee C H. A RANS model correction on unphysical over-prediction of turbulent quantities across shockwave.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2017, V106: 1107-1119.

[28]Gao Z X*, Jiang C W, Lee C H. A new wall function boundary condition including heat release effect for supersonic combustion flows.Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, V92: 62-70.

[29]Gao Z X*, Jiang C W, Pan S W, Lee C H. Combustion heat release effects on supersonic compressible turbulent boundary layers.AIAA Journal, 2015, V53 (7): 1949-1968.

[30]Gao Z X*, Jiang C W, Lee C H. On the laminar finite rate model and flamelet model for supersonic turbulent combustion flows.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, V41(30): 13238-13253.

[31]Liu H P,Gao Z X*,Tang Y H,Jiang C W, Lee C H.Improvement of Skin Friction and Heat Transfer Prediction Theory of Turbulent Boundary-Layer Combustion of Hydrogen.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(41): 26123-26131.

[32]Wang J Y,Gao Z X*, Lee C H. An iterative technique for coupled conduction- radiation heat transfer in semitransparent media[J].Numerical Heat Transfer A: Applications, 2015, V67(11): 1208-1231.

[33]Jiang Y Z,Gao Z X*, Jiang C W, Lee C H. Hypersonic aeroheating characteristics of leading edges with different nose radii[J].Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2017, 31(3): 538-548.

[34]FanYH,Gao Z X*, Jiang C W, Lee C H.Effects of steam ingestion on underfuselage inlet performance during a catapult-assisted take-off process[J].ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2018,140: 041101

[35]Gao Z X*, Cai J X, Li Jian,et al.Numerical study on mechanism of drag reduction by micro-blowing technique on supercritical airfoil[J].Journal of Aerospace Engineering,2017, 04016084.

[36]Gao Z X*,Wang J Y, Jiang C W, Lee C H. Application and theoretical analysis of the flamelet model for supersonic turbulent combustion flows in the scramjet engine[J].Combustion Theory and Modelling, 2014, V18(6): 652-691.

[37]Wang J Y,Gao Z X*, Lee C H. A decoupled procedure for convection-radiation simulation in scramjets [J].Science China Technological Science, 2014, V57(12): 2551-2566.

[38]Gao Z X*, Jiang C W, Lee C H. Improvement and application of wall function boundary condition for high-speed compressible flows[J].Science China Technological Science, 2013, V56(10):2501-2515.

[39]Tang H,Gao Z X*.Investigation of turbulence model with compressibility correction for hypersonic boundary flows[J].Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015, V7(12): 1-23.

[40]Gao Z X*,Lee C H. Numerical research on mixing characteristics of different injection schemes for supersonic transverse jet[J].Science China Technological Science, 2011, V54(4):883-893.

[41]Gao Z X*, Lee C H. A flamelet model for turbulent diffusion combustion in supersonic flow[J].Science China Technological Science, 2010, V53(12): 3379- 3388.

[42]Gao Z X*, Lee C H. A numerical study of turbulent combustion characteristics in a combustion chamber of a scramjet engine[J].Science China Technological Science, 2010, V53(8):2111-2121.



