
田保林     教授     国家级领军人才







曾长期从事战略装备领域的流体力学数值方法和软件研制工作,在爆轰驱动多介质弹塑性大变形流动数值方法、颗粒两相流数值方法和流体力学界面不稳定性与湍流混合机理研究等领域做出了系列有重要应用背景的创新工作,研制了新一代多物理耦合模拟程序,主持完成多项重要型号软件平台研制任务。先后负责完成装发预研专项、国家基金委湍流重大研究计划重点项目等国家重点科研项目10余项,在J. Fluid Mech.、J. Comp. Phys.、PRE等刊物发表论文100余篇,获软件著作权5项;先后担任《气体物理》学报编委、中国力学学会流体力学专委会CFD专业组成员、中国数学学会计算数学分会理事、中国空气动力学学会物理气体动力学专委会秘书长、北京计算数学学会理事和中物院学科组计算数学专业组召集人等学术职务,并兼任北京大学应用物理与技术研究中心计算科学教研室负责人、西北工业大学和上海大学客座教授。先后获国家科技进步二等奖、军队科技进步一等奖和于敏数理科学奖等奖励,入选科技部中青年科技创新领军人才和国家高层次人才特殊支持计划科技创新领军人才。



1.Junsheng Zeng, Baoqing Meng*, Jun Chen,Baolin Tian*, Coarse-grained numerical simulation for compressible fluid-particle two-phase flows. Physics of Fluids. 2023

2.Jin Ge, Haifeng Li*, Xinting Zhang, Baolin Tian*, Evaluating the stretching/compression effect of Richtmyer–Meshkov instability in convergent geometries, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 946, 2022

3.Baoqing Meng, Junsheng Zeng, Qian Chen, Rui Zhou, Baolin Tian*, Numerical method for compressible gas-particle flow coupling using adaptive parcel refinement (APR) method on non-uniform mesh,Journal of Computational Physics, 466:111418,2022

4.Zhiwei He,Yucang Ruan, Yaqun Yu,Baolin Tian*, Feng Xiao, Self-adjusting steepness-based schemes that preserve discontinuous structures in compressible flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 463(1):111268,2022

5.Haifeng Li, Baolin Tian*, Zhiwei He, Yousheng Zhang, , PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 103(5) ,2021

6.Tian Baolin*, Li Li*, A five-equation model based global ale method for compressible multifluid and multiphase flows, Computers & Fluids, 214(3):104756, 2021

7.Tian Baolin,Junsheng Zeng, Baoqing Meng*, Qian Chen, Xiaohu Guo, Kun Xue, Compressible multiphase particle-in-cell method (CMP-PIC) for full pattern flows of gas-particle system, Journal of Computational Physics, 418:109602, 2020

8.Zhiwei He; Baolin Tian*; Yousheng Zhang; Fujie Gao, Characteristic-based and interface-sharpening algorithm for high-order simulations of immiscible compressible multi-material flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 333, pp 247-268, 2017

9.Tian Baolin*; E. F. Toro; C. E. Castro, A path-conservative method for a five-equation model of two-phase flow with an HLLC-type Riemann solver, Computers & Fluids, 46(1), pp 122-132, 2011

10.Tian Baolin; Shen Weidong; Jiang Song; Wang Shuanghu; Liu Yan, A global arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method for stratified Richtmyer–Meshkov instability, Computers & Fluids, 46(1), pp 113-121, 2011